Monday, June 10, 2013

Climbing Bulembu

Yesterday, as what we call one of our "Swazi Outings," a group of us from Waterford went to climb Bulembu, the highest mountain in Swaziland. To be fair, it's not that high (about 1800 meters), and the entire ascent took less than two hours. The way down was even faster.
Anyways, the hike was beautiful, but the best part was getting to the top and doing the illegal border hopping between South Africa and Swaziland. The border kind of runs along the peaks of these mountains, and so the border is oftentimes at the top of the hill, which is a nice reward for all the climbing you've just done.

As you can see in the picture, the border fence was particularly strong, secure, and well maintained.
The only logical thing to do when faced with such an unsecure border is to stand with one foot in Swaziland and one food in South Africa, obviously. The left side of the picture is Swaziland, by the way.

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